How Corona virus changed the system of life and what we learned from it

How Corona virus changed the system of life and what we learned from it

The whole world has changed because of the Corona virus. This deadly virus has caused many deaths in many countries. The livelihoods of all countries have been adversely affected. Here is what has been learned from the closure of the whole world.
The Karuna virus, which the United States calls itself a superpower, has also broken its backbone. It has adversely affected the economy and the mortality rate in the United States is increasing day by day. The United States is not the most powerful country in the world.
 China is also a large population by population. China also counts in developed countries. Its economy is also very strong. But this Corona virus has affected its economy too. But China controlled it somewhat to the point of hard work. China is said to have won the Third World War with great prudence without having to shoot a single missile or shot.
 The European people considered themselves more advanced and educated than the rest of the countries, but this epidemic proved that the European people were not as developed as they used to be.
How Corona virus changed the system of life and what we learned from it
 Before the Corona virus, rich people considered themselves superior to other people and did not treat poor people as one should be, but this epidemic has proved that poor people are equal to rich people.
Humans are the biggest virus for everyone in the world - man does not think of anyone else for his own benefit and crosses all boundaries to achieve his goal.
Except no man of God can heal another human being. No priest, no religion of Hindu can cure a patient of any other religion -
Lock Dawn has given us an idea of ​​how life is lived in homes, and now we have a sense of how animals will feel at home.
 Now that we have been living in homes, we have learned that there can be a home-based business.
 The Corona virus has also shown that it can survive without unnecessary expenditure and without any direct entertainment and without fast food and unnecessary heatwave.
There are many compassionate and good people in this world and many good people who are passionate about helping others. Even in this world good people are alive.
If we build more and more schools, we will not need to build more hospitals.
The world has gone a long way in terms of luxuries. Everything has to be done through laborious machinery. But this virus has limited everything. We can live without cars.
We have plenty of time to live life well if we use it properly.
It is unnecessary to accumulate more wealth than life needs
The system built by nature is the most effective and it is for the betterment of human beings in this system - do not go against this system.
The world can go the way of development no matter how much it wants, but it cannot withstand power.
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