Freemason Population Reduction Conspiracy with coronavirus

Freemason Population Reduction Conspiracy with coronavirus

One point is that the followers of the Diwali force, commonly called Free Mason, want to reduce the world's population, and for this they do not use any deadly weapon and refrain from any war, however lethal weapons. With the use of these weapons, the countries that use these weapons could be at risk of falling, and war could also create a new scenario, so how to reduce the world's growing population thought this group. Creating a Biological Weapon to Draw Results From The Corona Virus Researchers It is likely that the virus has been modified, that is, one of the viruses in the Corona virus group, COVID-19, has been transformed into a genetic laboratory and made so deadly that it has yet to be overcome. Not visible.
Freemason Population Reduction Conspiracy with coronavirus
Freemason Population Reduction Conspiracy with coronavirus
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